The idea of WONDER seems like a lost art
in my high school students – with a quick Google search it seems everything my
students could possibly want to know is at their fingertips. Whether you’re reading a short story or
learning about new figurative language ask students as much as possible what
they wonder. Use the term wonder
whenever you can and incorporate an element of wonder into your lessons.
Instead of giving students all of the information, give students just a tid-bit
and ask what they think it is they’re going to learn about. Here’s an idea - show students examples of a
type of figurative language and ask if they can see the similarities between
the examples. See if they can figure things out before giving them all the answers. Talk about the title of a poem or a short story before jumping in. Encourage your students to come up with three questions they have based on the title alone.
students develop their own questions is part of the inquiry process so we work
on developing “good” questions throughout the year. QUESTIONS that encourage wonder rather than
questions that can be answered with a quick Google search. I use this handy Q-Chart to help guide
students in creating “good” questions. The chart guides students to create deeper questions than the simple questions they tend to think of first. The chart is a perfect way to keep them on track. You can grab a FREE COPY HERE!
One of the big
projects we complete each year is an Inquiry Project based on a novel my
students have read in class. I have done
it with a whole class novel and with an independent
novel study and both times it’s worked well.
Students dig deep into a bigger issue they’ve wondered about while
reading and must RESEARCH a topic of their choice related to the book. I’ve had students delve into the modern-day
role of geishas after reading Memoirs of
a Geisha, investigate the Hollywood Blacklist after reading The Crucible, and dig deeper into the
history of the civil rights movement after reading To Kill a Mockingbird. The
possibilities are endless! Check out
my Novel Study – Inquiry Project for ANY Novel! Everything you need to create your own inquiry project during a novel study is included.
Explain & Create
Typically, in
an ELA classroom we have asked our students to write about their thoughts, their
ideas and their findings. AND… I absolutely think that students need to learn
to write and write well, but I also believe they need to learn how to present
their ideas orally, visually and using a wide variety of media. As much as I can, I give my students choice
in how they EXPLAIN their work in my classroom. What they can CREATE as an
example of their learning often boggles my mind! When given the chance, their creativity
shines though! But… don’t worry… they’re
still writing! A big part of the inquiry process is to present their ideas to their peers or others. I've upped the ante by having students present to their principal and vice-principal - as stressful as it can be, the students are excited that the administration is willing to listen.
The last step in the Inquiry
process in my classroom is to REFLECT on the inquiry process. What went well? What could they improve upon for next
time? What did they learn? This process of reflection can be applied to
so much of what we do in an ELA classroom and I inject reflection into much of
what I do. A quick exit slip or
bell-ringer question is the perfect and easy opportunity to have students
The more I incorporate the elements of inquiry into my classroom, I find the easier it is for me to complete a bigger inquiry project. Whether it's a guided inquiry with teacher created questions or a full student led inquiry like a Genius Hour project, the more exposure students have had with the process the easier it will be for them and for you!
Looking for More Ideas? Be sure to check out these resources from other members of the Secondary English Coffee Shop!
Teaching in Room 213 - To Kill A Mockingbird Inquiry Project
Nouvelle ELA - Research Project - Real Life Utopia Project